Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rape and Murder in Kolkata


Rape and Murder of a Doctor in Kolkata

Rule-based society takes cognizance of crime as a routine; swift punishment proves deterrent. Crime against women, children, and marginalized deserve not only swift action but also exemplary punishment. These fall in the realm of ideal.

Lethargy of law enforcement agencies is legendry in India. Add to that political interference, and you have lawless state where criminals run amok. Recent rape and murder of a young doctor in Kolkata jolted the medical community and shook the conscience of the Nation. Although the nature of crime left no one in doubt everyone was not on the same page. The Supreme Court of India had to step in suo moto to insure justice.

Medical Professional have to work in a demanding environment. Nature of job, and commitment to duties often force them to neglect their own safety and comfort that, ironically, remain the last thing on the mind of administrators and the governments. Regulatory bodies do not go beyond the documentary compliance as for as the facilities in the hospitals and colleges go. Thus the crimes against medical professionals continue and enforcement agencies are never held accountable in spite of the customary hue and cry in which the political parties take stand based on their own sectarian agenda. The state Governments defend the police and the institutions where crimes occur. This hasn't served the government of the day in the instant case; the government is accountable. To make matters worse the ruling party workers stepped in . They went so as far as vandalizing peaceful demonstrations by doctors. It was shameful to say the least.

We as a society we need to reflect. Crimes against women reflect societal attitude. Rape of a minor in ‘illegal NCC Camp’ in Tamil Nadu, gang-rape of a women by the crews of a State Road Transport Corporation-run bus Dehradun-bound bus, and rape and murder of a minor Dalit girl in a far-off village in Muzaffarpur, Bihar are some examples.

Attitude of the society toward women needs to change. Romanticizing eve-teasing, like in the movies, need to stop. Mothers need to stops provoking their sons to ‘take care’ of sisters who marry outside the cast. Mother-in-laws have to stand by daughter-in-laws when they rightfully question the authority of their husbands. Employers need to stop gender-based profiling of workers, and need to ensure safe working environment for women. Law enforcement agencies have their work cut-out too. They need to enforce law without fear or favour in a time-bound manner whenever laws are violated.       


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